Poetic Mantra Meditation

Sexual Transmutation
Empowering the soul
Through practice of self knowledge
Transmutes experiences into soulfulness
Triggers reveal the unhealed, shame, judgment and emotional pain
We carry from the past, unrestful past burdens untidy in our basement
That disappoints and dissatisfies
Locking our energy tight into a holding unrest pattern
Breakthrough is the ice cold shower of Bodhisattva that awakens
Kundalini of ultimate creativity
For human experience to be reparented
By the deep meditative, neutral mind that zeros out the holding unrest pattern
Redefining potential to experience with gut of mighty compassion
Belief to be fearlessly set free
Transformation resurrects and we vibrate solemn dignity
Plugging karma, trauma into dharma
Studious and philosophically bold
Our bravery thaws intuition
Providing fire for red of resentment to turn into sages of royal blue
Liberating through the “Har” of enthusiastic sound current
That makes transference, transmutation and transmutation into emotional ease
Watering our soil fertile with nutrients of alchemical
Illumination, alteration, intention, purification
A risk making us worthy to rest in the golden egg of a peaceful heart
Passionately riding bareback the horse of fulfilled sovereign change
Holistic in our deep breathing, retelling the narrative at the hearth
Sharing wise perseverance and unbreakable innocence
A true blue and gold soul of deathless touch of pure Earth
Restoring the inner child
Healing shame raises kundalini
The seed of light safely out of dirt into the rose bud of nourishing pain
Cleaning in the rain
Turning death into mountain sand
And sand into ocean pearl
Held protected by the shell of tribal drum
Rising in the river with play and talent
Shaping and forming the mind, heart and naval
According to the extraordinary movement
Bringing life into fuller life,
Mending reality––refining reality
Like sacred geometry gardening the land
Sexual Healing
Women carry grief inside their womb
From generations of shame and resentment
Caged inside a matrix that erases femininity for material superiority
Women are forced to hold back, hide and suppress their creative life line
Breaking through the shrunken heart
To access the moon’s portal
Is excavating the ancient mind
To uncover layers of dimensional women
Who sow the heart and mind
In evolutionary alignment
African American Goddesses of the mightiest evolutionary astrology
Egyptian, Ethiopian High Priestesses of evolutionary architecture
Atlantean and Lemurian oracles of intergalactic light activation
Are windows into the tribal hearth
Gathering herbs, wild flowers, chant, prayer and dance
To awaken deeper energy for integrity to heal and revolutionize the lineage
With empowered choice that is aware of the natural rhythms of Earth
Sexual ties to low self worth and insecurity makes the woman unaware
Of her orgasmic birth, yoni steam of deep peace
Restoring radiance clears the weeds enslaving women to fear
For women to make love with their pelvis, heart and throat
To gather the knowledge of craftswomanship to feed education to the people
Needing tools and techniques for unlocking the shaman’s mind
Evolutionary expansion, women use sexual energy to raise the frequency
Of the sound current, heart’s electromagnetic intelligence and yoni creation
Healing generations of women pulls the ocean waves
Towards the smart woman who channels celestial origins, planetary and dimensional realities
To fulfill the human mission
Which is to join in loving victory as a generating manifestor of union
With the original energy of Earth
And all its masterful experience, existence, confident intention, vibrational protection
Sexual Trauma
The invasive, violating and violent control over women leaves her
Scared to emerge with her femininity
Until, she shreds and sheds the aggression
From inconsiderate, selfish and self centered emotional decay
Bathing in waters of rose pedal lavender, she regains her strength
In meditation, the negative mind neutralizes as she seeks creativity
And begins blessing herself with art, dance and song––soul retrieval
The soul of woman returned gives her dignity, sobriety and beauty
For she is infinite, deathless and fearless
Opening the door to sacred resilience
Seeing the mal behavior, disgrace and weakness as her long rain of emotional release
Setting free the hips and pelvis for the mind to receive royal blue and gold Earth beings
Able to serve transformation of Earth bound into Earth crown
Femme consciousness is the birth canal for everything
The portal and sacred sight for souls to join their physical bodies
And fulfill the mission on Earth
Women are the voyager’s compass and humanities integrity
Guiding choices towards creative fulfillment and intentional transformation
Her profound touch is activational, inspirational and purifying
Her awareness is life force, feeding the hearth of story telling
And energizing the Earth
Bringing justice to the imbalanced states of human discord
Her study, education and focus is on knowledge
Her beauty unfolds naturally with the creative glow of pure joy
Challengers, challenges and difficulties initiate her into virtues of ancient excellence
By raising her self worth into lineage of sisterhood
Gives generously the support and teamship in pursing freedom
To express, articulate and lead the heart into its most beautiful song and dance
To elevate human consciousness and nourish the people
With empowering opportunity
Dreams, intentions and ideas fulfill with the female presence
Because judgment, destructive belief and stagnate thought and feeling
Become a fire of forgiveness and waters of rebirth––the most sincere
Transforming connection with Earth