Hearth of the Earth teaches sacred sexuality

YONI JOY soothes the soul,
Awakens innocence, wonder and amazement.
Transmuting weakness into manifestation,
Intimacy raises self worth and teaches wise life lessons.
Kundalini deepens the breath as play sensitizes the heart,
Relaxing the mind in liberating passion.
Wholeness and balance summons the soul mate
For expansion and creative alchemy.
Sharing and caring for a sincere bond,
The heart surrenders to unconditional love.
Releasing karmic ties, low self esteem and wounds,
The inner child joins the dance of sacredness.
Deciding higher potential to feel, think and believe,
Empowerment in movement, touch and ethereal sense deepens further.
Transforming, resurrecting, ascending into higher dimensions,
Self mastery experiences union with heart and heaven.
The pranic energy, soulful energy, fearless energy
Uses the emergence to manifest prosperity, an arch of self knowledge.
YONI JOY is philosophy of the body, unraveling friendship, discovery and courage
For radiance to enhance the 5th dimension of Earth
We connect, unite and enliven to the life of pure life, pure joy
That gives freedom to the incarnations of me, we and thee healing mindsets
Vibrating the mantras of creative wealth,
Sacred geometry, harmony and artistry unravels like the Rose Bud,
The most fulfilling bond because it is unlocks frequencies of co-creative dignity